
(Some) Reasons to Not Date Me

1. I'm apathetic and unopinionated about a lot of things in the world.
2. I get lazy.
3. Sometimes, I'm too honest.
4. I lug around a decent amount of baggage.
5. A lot of times when there's toothpaste residue in the sink, I'm too lazy to wipe it up.
6. (Relative to a lot of people and with regard to certain things) I'm dirty.
7. (Unlike a lot of people) I have regrets.
8. I'm not funny.
9. I can be really fake/awkward around people I don't make a connection with.
10. I overanalyze a lot things.
11. I don't keep up with current events.
12. I'm easily influenced by things I think are "cool."
13. I'm carefree and careless.
14. I lack momentum.
15. I'm tainted.

3 Kommentarer:


Dont be too hard on yourself, There is someone for everyone, just find a partner that will love you no matter the circumstances, and stand by you through thick and thin!


you're just beautifully flawed, and hell, I'd need a much longer list than that to list my shortcomings...


Sometimes, its not finding a partner who doesnt see these flaws, but one that sees them better than anyone and loves you regardless. My husband and I spent years fighting eachother, one day I learned...he loved me for real me because he saw my flaws! You'll find a man like that one day sweety ;), never settle for a man that doesnt see any problems because blind love isnt love!

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