

The couples here are exactly what you would imagine European couples would be. Maybe I'm just an American wanting to fulfill my previous romanticized expectations I've had, but every time I see them in the street, they're always holding hands and kissing each other without a care in the world about anyone around them (massive PDA is everywhere.) It's not the kind of holding hands and kissing that occurs for no reason or out of complacency. It always looks so passionate, and everyone looks in love.

In the gardens of Alhombra, Granada

Went shopping the other day. Though the prices were rock bottom, I just couldn't bring myself to rummage through a table that looked like it projectile vomited clothes.

Rebajas en Zara

Lost 30€, but don't tell my mom.

It's been averaging 104 degrees Fahrenheit here lately.

We need to install a bike rental program from CH to Carrboro. They have a program where you can pick up a bike at any station (which saturates almost every block) and drop it off at any one you want. My roommate and I have been riding around two people on one bike. Absolutely love it.

If you're wondering about the food, it's been a little lackluster. Burger King was a disappointment. However, our señora's food has been amazing.

Serious bit: 

Went to Granada and Córdoba this weekend. I kind of wish I wasn't so tired and slightly hungover when we went sightseeing. After I starting feeling better in the mosque or cathedral we were perusing, I started having an amazing time: truly appreciating all the little details and hours of awesome manpower that it took to construct structures that still stand to this day and house thousands of patrons everyday. It's amazing what people will do for their faith. Imagine spending hundreds, maybe thousands of hours carving the same elaborate mosque.

The most important thing I realized when I visited these landmarks is that it's not about being able to check them off bucketlists or being able to post boring pictures on Facebook no one will ever look at. It's truly an internalized experience that can only be experienced on the most personal level. Even the most magnificent sites will never hold meaning unless they are derived from your own mind. Seeing a site is not about what you see with your eyes but the thoughts that are created from seeing what you see. 

Never thought sightseeing would be so trippy.

We visited a mosque built, literally, for royalty. Imagine living back then and having your own castle. Ahhh to live like a king.

View from the castle

I think I've woken up from a coma. There was a period in my life where I oozed creative thoughts and, honestly, 

happiness towards the world around me. Hopefully, I've found it again. This morning I had so many thoughts, I could barely get them down on paper. I felt like the guy from Memento*. Right now, I can barely grasp the creativity I felt this morning to put in this post. I think that's why I'm always sending my random thoughts in the form of mass texts to my friends. A text is so instantaneous. My phone is always readily available, and I can disseminate my thoughts to the world outside. If they stay in my head, they're lost almost forever.

Less serious bit:

It's amazing how quickly you get used to being sweaty and being ok with it.

It's amazing how much deodorant I need.

Interacting with my host ma and seeing how wonderfully elegant she is reminds me of some people back home *cough* Katherine *cough* that would make great hosts for exchange students - once they're older of course.

I love how everyone is so cheap here as far as energy usage goes. Everyone is an environmentalist here. Everyone always turns off lights when they leave the room or doesn't use them if it's possible. Short showers, and no one here would ever shower twice in a day no matter how sweaty they would get during the day. Light air conditioning. Walking EVERYWHERE. If you know me, you know why I love it.


People permanently on vacation:

Guide book authors
Food critic/Film critic/Site critic/any kind of critic
Tour guides
Study abroad administrators
Paris Hilton

Hilarious comment on siestas: "Spain is a country where the unemployment rate is over 20-percent, yet the people still observe naptime every afternoon."
Check it out at http://tiny.cc/58d11

I need to live life - better.

More to come.

*I'd think one thing and 5 seconds later, it'd be like a brand new day with brand new thoughts. Google it and/or watch it.

3 Kommentarer:


Im really glad you found that creativity. Believe it or not I remember it well, and have missed it for a long time.
Im so happy for you! Spain sounds amazing.
I guess i need to go one day.
miss you! make the most of this!
Dont lose the creativity!

-The guy who looks like a gay jazz musician...apparently


Anonymous said...
Im really glad you found that creativity. Believe it or not I remember it well, and have missed it for a long time.
Im so happy for you! Spain sounds amazing.
I guess i need to go one day.

-The guy who looks like a gay jazz musician...apparently



girl. i loved this one. your thoughts are all over the place!! <3 i wish i was there >.<

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